Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

Walking through the houses of Parliament, on my way to the 17th January Select Committee, initially gave me a mixture of intimidation and eagerness. The grandeur of this place, its history, marble busts, and countless politicians and members of the public going around their business, I took a moment to appreciate the privilege we all have in participating in change.   

I was allowed to attend a long-awaited meeting on the journey to the regulation of our profession. Any member of the public, yourself included, can join any open meeting, at any time.   

Alexander Reynolds, PA+PER Editor in chief

What took me by surprise was that the public seating was full, not of PAs, but of other members of the public, who are taking an active role in watching, talking, and helping change the direction of our profession (whether they want this change to mirror our wishes or theirs is another agenda, I will not know).   

To listen to both sides of the argument, knowing there are voices of reason advocating for PAs, and hearing the legitimate concerns others have, gave me the belief we are facing a truly tidal change in the future of how we work, and where we fit in the NHS workforce.  

Listening to Thérèse Coffey, the deputy prime minister under Liz Truss, testimonial about the importance of MDTs and the Physician Associates role in her care was a heartwarming example of why PAs are needed. We must be active listeners and learners. Most importantly, we must take part and show up.  

My final words would be to encourage you to believe that you can be an agent of change, whether that is helping to shape your local clinical governance guidelines, or advising on how the PA role works. Let’s propel ourselves into a new chapter.  

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