Fri. Feb 14th, 2025

United Medical Associate Professionals (UMAPs) was founded in November 2023 and aims to host the first MAP-specific trade unions for Physician Associates (PAs), Anaesthesia Associates (AAs), and Surgical Care Practitioners (SCPs). UMAPs is a not-for-profit organisation, and is closely aligned to the College of Medical Associate Professionals (CMAPs).

Jointly, the two organisations have published the MAP Employers’ Guidelines for General Practice 2024 for Physician Associates.

The document has now been released to PA ambassadors and stakeholders across the country and aims ‘to facilitate sustained access to care for patients, ensure employers retain Physician Associates (PAs) safely, and allow PAs to continue working effectively within their roles in primary care’.

UMAPS claim to have observed significant job losses for physician associates in primary care, as well as ‘backdoor redundancies, and unjust dismissals’.

This document ‘provides employers with the necessary policy and employment guidelines required to employ MAPs safely and protect themselves from potential litigation’, according to UMAPs.

UMAPs are collecting feedback from PCNs, ambassadors, and other stakeholders on the document and claim it will be updated over time to reflect necessary changes.

UMAPs have purposefully chosen not to include reference to the Royal College of General Practitioners (RCGP)’s recently published document on the scope of practice for physician associates. UMAPs do however call for RCGP to engage with UMAPs, to ‘provide insights into the future of Physician Associates, as we continue to ensure their safety and development within general practice.’

This document comes on the same day as NHS Employers have released guidance on physician associates.

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